Sunday, June 6, 2010

So excited! I drove from Texas to Arizona to buy a 1959 vintage travel trailer - did it all in one weekend which was NUTS!! I saw pics of the trailer online and fell in love with the pink appliances. Even the toilet is PINK!!! ~2die4~ That's all it took to make me drive over 2200 miles in three days. JUNKYLICIOUS!!  I could not wait to bling it up a bit.  First things first - hot pink vinyl seats.  The original seats were ugly but I found some fabulous hot pink vinyl on ebay and my honeyman and his mother turned the seats from trash to treasure!  They turned out fantastic and that set the stage for more decor.  New curtains, a handmade quilt by mom ~love you mom~ and a few pink-a-licious trinkets hanging here and there.  She's perfect!